Elizabeth Sherman

Featured Guest

About Elizabeth Sherman

Elizabeth Sherman is a health and weight loss coach who works with high functioning professionals to improve their personal and professional performance by coaching them to better health through easy to do, sustainable habits. Using certain cues, including focus, energy, mood, and sleep, she helps her clients design the right health program for their body and lifestyle with the idea that we can achieve optimal health; which leads to better performance in our lives.
Elizabeth is a Chicago native, but now conducts her coaching business in Mexico, and through the amazing advancements in technology, meets with her clients online, focusing on the areas of health: eating, moving, stress and sleep management, smoking and how we think about them.

Connect with Elizabeth Sherman

Company: Total Health by Elizabeth
Website: https://elizabethsherman.com/
Contact Phone:
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/totalhealthbyeliz
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/esherman68
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethsherma
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/esherman68

Episode 49

You’ve been there before… You’re convinced you want to start doing something different. Maybe exercising, eating differently, meditating, going to bed early… And you begin doing it! But, after a few days, it starts feeling more like a chore… You miss a day here, another day there, and next time you realize, you’ve completely fallen off the wagon and are back to your old routines.
In this episode, Elizabeth Sherman shares with us some of the strategies she uses to help her clients adopt new, healthy habits for life.

Original air date: February 5, 2020