Jay Cole

Featured Guest

About Jay Cole

Jay is not your everyday meditation author. Jay went from a background in the arts to graphic design to touring around Canada with a hiphop crew and performing in front of thousands of people throughout his twenties.

Sex, Drugs and Rap music encompassed most of Jay’s life at this point but he soon realized that living hard, needed to change. So he moved to California where he discovered yoga and rediscovered his long forgotten meditation practice.

Connect with Jay Cole

Company: Jay Cole Yoga
Website: http://www.jaycoleyoga.ca/
Contact Phone:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jaycoleyoga
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaycoleyoga

Episode 5

In this episode Dr E is joined by Jay Cole, author of the book How to Calm the F*ck Down: A Meditator’s Guide. They talk about meditation, mindfulness and how the world would be a much better place if more people meditated.

Original air date: April 3, 2019